In Liberia, 2 collective charging stations have been installed at the palava hut, the common house of the village of Kpalo Bli. Each family received 2 Lagazel Kalo 3000 solar lamps to light their house and charge their cell phone. 4 additional lamps are planned to light the palava hut during evening meetings. A person in charge of the follow-up of the lamps has been appointed within the village, and the inhabitants are organizing themselves to set up a kitty in order to be able to pay him and anticipate the replacement of the material. This project was made possible thanks to the work of the association Kedo Liberia and thanks to the financing of the Agency of Micro-Projects and Synergie Solaire.

Several months later, the President of the Kedo Liberia association testifies: “This project has brought a lot to our association Kedo Liberia, by bringing “light” to the village, thanks to a technology that protects the environment. This “light” is also the “mobilization” and “empowerment” of the inhabitants around a new common project, complementary to the other projects of the association (the school and the collective farm). This “light” simply contributes to “enlighten” the future of the villagers and the surrounding villages because the objective of Kedo Liberia is also to make Kpalo-Bli a village with experiences to share with the neighbors of the region”.




Photos ©Kedo Liberia